Converting numbers to their word equivalents involves transforming numerical digits into their corresponding textual representation. This process can be applied to integers, decimals, and even large numbers, with specific rules and formatting depending on the language and context. While it may seem straightforward for small numbers, the complexity increases when dealing with larger values or specific currency format
for Example :
25 >> Twenty-Five
125.25>> One Hundred And Twenty-Five Dollar And Twenty-Five Cent.
Please Welcome my new Excel Custom Function “SpellNumber” is one of my custom excel functions by lambda , simply it convert numbers to their word equivalents
It is a mix of TRANSLATE and BAHTTEXT (two Excel Functions)
Syntax :
= SpellNumber ( number , [language ] , [ whole ] , [ decimal ] )
Number: Select the numbers you want to convert
[Language ] : Select the language you want to translate to… If you skip this part, English is the default language
[ Whole ] and [ Decimal ] are the Currency nomenclature
[ Whole ] : For whole numbers (For Example “Dollar”)
[ Decimal ] : For decimal numbers (For Example “Cent”)
Example 1 :
English :
Example 2 :
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